
现在 SPARK一共有11位成员,并被分为了5个部门, 包括市场部、产品设计部、生产运输部、财政部、科技部。

SPARK 成员合影

市场部: 专注于活动的设计和宣传,包括但不限于设计海报、活动命名、视频剪辑和与校方的沟通。

帮助残障儿童康复的3D打印营会, 2021

Eason Wang 王壹

"I am one of the initiators and the organisers of SPARK! I believe that although individual efforts sometimes cannot exert greater influence and impact on our world, SPARK could enlighten people around to influence our society..."

James Xu 徐志航

"I made nearly all the advertising posters for SPARK; Over than 95% lose rate in the Bronze Ranking of LoL; I believe that SPARK's philanthropic impact would radiate throughout the Southwest China."

Yahaya Ma 马兆隆

"I would devote myself to SPARK and make an effort. Even if an individual's effort is minute, I will be satisfied if I can help people in need. Also, I have the same idea as SPARK, which is why I joined SPARK."

产品设计部: 专注于任何需要创造与设计的部分。包括但不限于SPARK产品的设计、SPARK Board的设计和活动的布置。

在KCS的圣诞节, 2021

Candy Tang 唐果儿

"I joined this fantastic team in September and found lots of interests! I hope that our SPARK team can affect more people in the world!!!"

Jennifer Zeng 曾文逸

"I believe that SPARK is the embodiment of love and the ability to love. We all love ourselves and the shining experiences, and we hope to illuminate everyone with our effort."

Product & Delivery Department: The product delivery Department is responsible for ordering product production online, contacting SPARK consumers, and delivering the product.

Elaine Liu 刘弈萱


Christine Wu 吴柯颖


财政部: 纪录并计算所有收入、支出、利润和每一笔交易,并把这些数据做成表格然后公开。

Vicky Qian 钱薇竹

"I just joined SPARK and I found that there is a lot of fun and joy! We could help those in need with our efforts. I hope everyone will enjoy our activities and join us to do something in the world!!"

Lulu Wang 王嘉璐

"One of the core goals of SPARK is to raise funds for charity by selling products. Since collecting funds is the most important process, we will be justice and honest to collect funds and donate them to groups in need."

技术部: 技术部专注于SPARK的技术支持,包括但不限于SPARK的官方网站、公众号和制作在线问卷等。

西安十周年樱花赛, 2019

Alvin Mi 米海辰

"SPARK 的创建者之一、初始成员。 SPARK 网站的设计者。我喜欢数码、魔方和滑板。我坚信科技改变生活,这使得我去创始 SPARK。"

Rex Liu 刘润西

"我在今年九月份加入了 SPARK 。我喜欢听音乐和看运动赛事。我希望能够尽自己的一份微薄之力,让这个世界变得更加美好。"

在第一次艺术设计比赛中脱颖而出的作品 (2021-2022)




